About the Ministry

about the ministry

Kratos global

We are nation of saints who have seen Yeshua and by the help of the spirit of Adonai raising an army for Christ across the globe through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus The Christ with signs and wonders following.


Our mandate has been given to us from our LORD and Master Jesus from Ephesians 6:10  “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His mighty.”

We are exposing the nations of the world to the dynamic power of Jesus The Christ by the word of life. We believe that manifestation of the sons of God, reigniting and reviving lost fires in the youth of this generation and bridging the old and young across the globe through our prophetic mandate.


We believe in God the father, Jesus The Christ that he was born of the Virgin Mary, died and resurrected on the third day and He is coming back again. The acknowledgment of the dispensation of The Holy Spirit and His work in our generation.

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